Somatic therapy is an approach that is considered holistic, as it is designed to study the relationship between the body and the mind regarding your psychological past. Somatic therapy uses an approach that believes trauma symptoms impacts the instability of the autonomic nervous system. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of body-oriented techniques within psychoanalysis and mainstream psychological approaches.
Various forms of somatic therapy have been around for centuries and used with varying approaches. Branches of somatic therapy are dance therapy and eco-somatics. Somatic therapy comes in various forms, including the body in with the mental healing and reconditioning. An example of early somatic therapy involved observing the pulse of the patient as he or she listened to their anguish.
When it comes to viewing somatic therapy as a field of study, it is referred to as the "study of mind/body interface, the relationship between our physical matter and our energy”. The goal is to encourage you to not ignore the messages that your body sends to your mind. They both should be given attention.
We offer somatic psychological approaches for our clients. To learn more about somatic therapy, call our offices to schedule an appointment. We will gladly explain the benefits that this therapeutic approach offers.