A one-on-one facilitative relationship between a key contributor from within an organization and a professional coach in order to benefit the client and the company for which he or she works, executive coaching is multi-faceted. The coaching is usually initiated by the company for which the client works, because the client makes major decisions within the company that have a significant impact on the company and its finances. Therefore, the coaching should benefit the client and his or her employer as well.
Executive coaching is designed to help the client go from where he or she is currently to climb the ladder and move forward. Maybe the individual has the desire to do something differently or to make significant changes within the organization. The focus of the coaching process is to help the individual to go from his or her current status to the level they want to attain and to take their company to a higher level as well.
If you are interested in learning more about executive coaching and how it can help you or your company, call one of our team members today. We can set you with an experienced executive coach so we can ensure that you are on the track to success.